514 521-1221
81 rue Richelieu, Suite #103 Saint-Jean Sur Richelieu J3B 6X2, Quebec, Canada


PROPRIOBATEAU.ca is a website dedicated to the sale of boats of all types and prices (under $1.5 million). It is a transactional site, you can place your ad directly with the help of a package. It is a bilingual site. Our office is located in St-Jean-sur-le-Richelieu, and this since 2013 (near the marina).

Of course, this site is consulted by many boaters looking for the ideal boat. This is one of the many advantages of this website. There are used boats for sale as well as new boats for sale from Canada and the United States.

ProprioBateau offers you commission-free packages to sell your boat if it has a value of less than $500,000. If your boat exceeds this value, simply contact us and with the collaboration of Ita Yachts Canada brokers, you will be able to benefit from all the advantages of the visibility of this site, but also from other major websites in North America. For this, we will offer you a brokerage contract based on a 5% commission.

With brokerage, your boat will be present on:

  • YachtWorld
  • BoatDealers
  • Boats.com
  • Propriobateau

Contact us for all the details for each offer, with or without brokerage.

Of course, we also offer to represent you for the purchase of your next boat whether it is here, in Canada, in the United States or in Europe. Most of the time, our services are free for you when you are in the buying mode.


We are very familiar with transactions outside of Canada, we are familiar with all the steps of imports or exports taking into account the taxation of each country.


The ProprioBateau website is a division of Ita Yachts Canada Inc. The same owners for both websites are experienced brokers.


The ProprioBateau website is online since 2015.


The ItaYachtsCanada website is dedicated to yachts over $1.5 million and has been online since 2013.


Ita Yachts Canada and Boat Owner brokers are present at the Boat Shows in Fort Lauderdale, Miami and Cannes and of course in Montreal.

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