– 2 x Mercury VERADO 250 avec seulement 50 heures
– Bow thruster
– Édition avec un toit rigide
– Wetbar avec une plaque au gaz (zone cockpit) avec réfrigérateur.
– Cabine pouvant coucher 4 personnes
– Toilette avec section douche
– Lumières sous l’eau
– A/C
-Balcon ou petite terrasse qui s’abaisse électriquement côté bâbord.
Le propriétaire déménage et ne pourra pas emmener le bateau avec lui. Il en a profité de la mi-août 2024 jusqu’à l’automne, mais c’est à contrecœur qu’il le met à votre disposition. Economisez des milliers de dollars par rapport au coût d’un nouveau bateau. L’acheteur doit être conscient qu’il peut y avoir encore des effets personnels du propriétaire et si c’est le cas, ils ne seront pas transférés.
N.B. Voir l’onglet PIECES JOINTES pour les détails au sujet de ce Beneteau Flyer 9
2023 BENETEAU Flyer 9 Sundeck “PAUL’S LEGACY”
With the Flyer 9 Sundeck, BENETEAU once again demonstrates its mastery of space on board and further enhances the comfort features of the previous generation. Now, more than ever, the pleasure of driving this boat is combined with comfort of life on board and ease of navigation.
Optimized deck area, sporty design, the Flyer 9 Sundeck is a welcoming day-boat with neat finishes. By adopting the wide port forward Smart Walk around borrowed from the Flyer 10, the Flyer 9 offers excellent accessibility to the spacious front deck and great safety.
While the Flyer 9 Sundeck can accommodate in its cockpit, it also features a comfortable cabin, which is particularly large and has two large double berths. The bathroom proves surprisingly large with a separate shower.
The opening side platform on port is one of the major new features of the Flyer 9, offering sea views and easy access for swimming.
This owner is moving and won’t be able to take the boat with him. He enjoyed it from mid August 2024 to the Fall put away but reluctantly makes her available to you. Save thousands or $$ from the cost of a new one. Buyer should be aware there may still be some owner personal effects and if so, these will not convey.
Views: 4
Flag, Duty & Tax
- Flag (registration): -United-States
- Luxury Tax Doit être vérifié - Does not apply
Motor Description
- Number of engine: 2
- Drive type: Outboard
- Modèle moteur: 2 x VERADO 250
- Type of fuel: Gas
- Nombre heures moteurs: 50
- Lenght: 29 ft
- L.O.A: 29.10 ft
- Width: 9.10 ft
- Weight: 7383 lbs
- Draft: 1.5 ft
Tank details
- Fuel tank: 140 gal
- Drinking water tank: 26 gal
- Holding Tank 23 gal
- Number of rooms 1
- Number of double bed 1
- Number of toilets 1
- 30 amp. System
- Power Supply Connected to the Dock
- Dock cable
- Inverter
Wetbar, zone cockpit
- Sink
- Grill
- Fridge
Boat canvas
- Covers to Protect Cushions
Important feature(s)
- Electric anchor
- Navigation Lights
- Depth Indicator
- Lumières sous l`eau
- Hydraulic platform
- Bilge Pump
- Table de Cockpit
Comfort option(s)
- Radio/CD/IPOD
- Electric toilet
- A/C present in area: Interior section
Entertainment electronics
- Radio (Cabin Area)
- Radio (Cockpit Area)
Important feature(s)
- Hull type: Fiberglass
- Hull color: Blanc/White
- Country: -United-States
- Provinces/States: Massachusetts
- City: Wareham
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