– 2 x Cummins QSB 6.7L (2 x 425 hp) shafts avec 349 heures
– Bow & stern thrusters
– Plateforme hydraulique
– Inverter + Génératrice
– Combo laveuse/sécheuse
– Radeau de survie
– 3 chambres + 2 toilettes avec section douche
N.B. Voir l’onglet PIECES JOINTES pour une description de ce Beneteau Swift Trawler 47
The Swift Trawler 47 stands for all that make the Beneteau Swift Trawler series special. The ability to cruise at 9 knots in an ultra-economical 6.5 G/ HR, provides for days along the ICW or passage through the Bahamas. When desired, a cruising speed of 24 knots is available while still providing for a 300 NM range.
The interior arrangement offers three cabins and two heads. There is a bonus queen sofa bed in the salon with built in privacy curtain. She was designed for cruising with family and friends with space for all. The flybridge is the place to enjoy the views weather underway or enjoying the sunset at anchor.
Twin Cummins QSB 6.7 (425HP per) motors are linked to straight shafts for simplicity and reliability. The hull shape protects the four-blade propellers, making this the perfect boat to explore the Bahamas and Keys. The hydraulic swim/ tender platform has been added for safe and convenient tender storage. Bow and Stern thrusters make her easy to handle.
She has been enjoyed for summers in New England and recently completed a trip south. The timing is perfect for a new owner to enjoy the rest of the winter and the glorious spring season in the Bahamas.
***Tender is not included with the sale**
Views: 3
Flag, Duty & Tax
- Flag (registration): -United-States
- Luxury Tax Non applicable si retour au Canada - Does not apply
Motor Description
- Number of engine: 2
- Drive type: Arbre d'Hélice (Shaft)
- Modèle moteur: QSB 6.7L (2 x 425 hp)
- Type of fuel: Diesel
- Nombre heures moteurs: 349
- Lenght: 47 ft
- L.O.A: 48 ft
- Width: 14.6 ft
- Weight: 27958 lbs
- Draft: 3.10 ft
Tank details
- Fuel tank: 510 gal
- Drinking water tank: 169 gal
- Holding Tank 3.10 gal
- Number of rooms 3
- Number of double bed 2
- Nb. de lit simple: 2
- Number of toilets 2
- 30 amp. System
- Power Supply Connected to the Dock
- Dock cable
- Generator
- Inverter
- Generator (kw) 7.5 kw
Wetbar, zone cockpit
- Sink
- Fridge
Boat canvas
- Covers to Protect Cushions
Navigation electronics
- AIS (Systeme d’Identification)
- Autopilot
- GPS: Raymarine
- Radar: Raymarine
- Thruster: Thruster Arrière , Thruster Avant
Important feature(s)
- Electric anchor
- Navigation Lights
- Depth Indicator
- Inverter
- Hydraulic platform
- Bilge Pump
- Table de Cockpit
- Fan Pre-start
Comfort option(s)
- Washer/Dryer
- Radio/CD/IPOD
- Electric toilet
- A/C present in area: Interior section
Entertainment electronics
- Radio (Cabin Area)
- Radio (Cockpit Area)
- TV + DVD in Living Room/Kitchen
Important feature(s)
- Hull type: Fiberglass
- Hull color: Blanc/White
- Country: -United-States
- Provinces/States: Massachusetts
- City: South Dartmouth
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