– 2 x Cummins x 425 hp avec seulement 70 heures
– Bow & stern thrusters et une télécommande DOCKMATE
– Stabilisateur gyroscopique QUICK (agit comme un SEAKEEPER)
– Plateforme hydraulique
– Dessanalisateur
– Machine à glaçons
– Wetbar avec un grill sur le flybridge
– A/C + génératrice + inverter
– 3 chambres et 2 toilettes avec section douche
N.B. Voir l’onglet PIECES JOINTES pour tous les détails de ce Beneteau Swift Trawler 48
The new Swift Trawler 48 advances the BENETEAU Range of practical and seaworthy passagemakers. The Andreani design focuses on easy living and circulation that builds on the wealth of Beneteau Trawler DNA and customer feedback with length of 48’4” overall and a 14’9” beam.
Equipment and Upgrades:
Twin Cummins QSB 6.7L 425HP 70hrs
Upgraded Generator to a MASE VS 12.6
Water Maker
Dock Mate Control
Gyro Stabilizer
Bow and Stern Thurster
Induction Cooktop
Raymarine Clearcruise
Raymarine Upgraded electronics package
AIS 700 Transceiver
Portholes and Door Mosquito Screens
Ice Maker
Fly bridge summer kitchen with grill
Hydraulic swim platform with integrated dinghy cradle
Views: 1
Flag, Duty & Tax
- Flag (registration): -United-States
- Luxury Tax À vérifié / to be verify
Motor Description
- Number of engine: 2
- Drive type: Arbre d'Hélice (Shaft)
- Modèle moteur: QSB 6.7L (2 x 425 hp)
- Type of fuel: Diesel
- Nombre heures moteurs: 70
- Lenght: 48 ft
- L.O.A: 48.4 ft
- Width: 14.9 ft
- Weight: 27896 lbs
- Draft: 3.6 ft
Tank details
- Fuel tank: 510 gal
- Drinking water tank: 169 gal
- Holding Tank 45 gal
- Number of rooms 3
- Number of double bed 2
- Nb. de lit simple: 2
- Number of toilets 2
- 50 amp. System
- Power Supply Connected to the Dock
- Dock cable
- Generator
- Number of generator hours: 173
- Generator (kw) 12 kw
Wetbar, zone cockpit
- Ice Maker
Wetbar, zone flybridge
- Sink
- Grill
- Fridge
Boat canvas
- Covers to Protect Cushions
Navigation electronics
- AIS (Systeme d’Identification)
- Autopilot
- GPS: Raymarine
- Radar: Raymarine
- Thruster: Thruster Arrière , Thruster Avant
Important feature(s)
- Electric anchor
- Navigation Lights
- Depth Indicator
- Inverter
- Hydraulic platform
- Bilge Pump
- Boat stabilizers (Seakeeper)
- Table de Cockpit
- Fan Pre-start
Comfort option(s)
- Wine Cellar
- Ice maker
- Radio/CD/IPOD
- Electric toilet
- A/C present in area: Interior section
Entertainment electronics
- Radio (Cabin Area)
- Radio (Cockpit Area)
- TV + DVD in Living Room/Kitchen
Important feature(s)
- Hull type: Fiberglass
- Dessalinisateur: Yes
- Hull color: Blanc/White
- Country: -United-States
- Provinces/States: Florida
- City: Naples
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