– 2 x Volvo x 370 hp avec 582 heures
– Bow thruster
– Wetbar avec une machine à glaçons
– 2 chambres + 2 toilettes
N.B. Voir l’onglet PIECES JOINTES pour tous les détails de ce Carver 444
The Carver 444 is a mid-sized, luxury motor yacht with a flybridge, two staterooms, and a large cockpit. It’s known for its spaciousness, comfortable performance, and stylish design. This yacht can accommodate six guest with two separate private cabins.
Staterooms: Two staterooms, one aft and one forward, each with a private head compartment
Salon: A spacious “great room” that combines the salon and galley, with designer decor and an UltraLeather sofa
Flybridge: A flybridge with panoramic views, seating, and a wetbar
Cockpit: A large cockpit with plenty of space for playing
Aft deck: A hardtop that covers the entire deck, plus an electronics arch and bridge stairway
Engine access: An engine access hatch that allows for easy access to the engines
Views: 5
Flag, Duty & Tax
- Flag (registration): -United-States
- Luxury Tax Non applicable si retour au Canada - Does not apply
Motor Description
- Number of engine: 2
- Drive type: Arbre d'Hélice (Shaft)
- Modèle moteur: TAMD63 (2 x 370 hp)
- Type of fuel: Diesel
- Nombre heures moteurs: 582
- Lenght: 44 ft
- L.O.A: 46 ft
- Width: 13.22 ft
- Weight: 33860 lbs
- Draft: 3.6 ft
Tank details
- Fuel tank: 404 gal
- Drinking water tank: 90 gal
- Holding Tank 72 gal
- Number of rooms 2
- Number of double bed 2
- Number of toilets 2
- 50 amp. System
- Power Supply Connected to the Dock
- Dock cable
- Generator
- Generator (kw) 10 kw
Wetbar, zone flybridge
- Sink
- Ice Maker
Boat canvas
- Flybridge
- Covers to Protect Cushions
Navigation electronics
- Autopilot
- GPS: Simrad
- Radar: Furuno
- Thruster: Front Thruster
Important feature(s)
- Electric anchor
- Navigation Lights
- Depth Indicator
- Bilge Pump
- Bimini top
- Fan Pre-start
Comfort option(s)
- Ice maker
- Radio/CD/IPOD
- Marine Toilet
- A/C present in area: Interior section
Entertainment electronics
- Radio (Cabin Area)
- Radio (Cockpit Area)
- TV + DVD in Living Room/Kitchen
Important feature(s)
- Hull type: Fiberglass
- Hull color: Blanc/White
- Country: -United-States
- Provinces/States: Massachusetts
- City: Quincy
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Carver C37 Diesel (2017)
Tampa, Floride, États-Unis
Carver C37 Coupe (2016)
Fort Myers, Florida, États-Unis
Carver C52 Coupe (2018)
St Petersburg, Floride, États-UnisLenght (ft)
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