– 2 x Volvo D4-300 avec 770 heures
– Bow & stern thrusters avec un Yacht Controller
– Système hydraulique pour le dinghy
– Dinghy Capelli inclus
– Inverter
– A/C + génératrice
– Lumières sous l’eau
– 2 chambres et une toilette avec section douche
– Rangement sous le plancher de la cuisine
N.B. Voir l’onglet PIECES JOINTES pour tous les détail pour ce Jeanneau Velasco 37
With family cruising at the heart of “Born to Run “, she has been designed to provide a pleasant, sociable and inclusive open-plan living area combined with economic cruising through conventional shaft drive.
Jeanneau have placed the galley just inside the double-opening cockpit doors, which are part of the triple-glazing panels separating the saloon from the cockpit. This layout provides more space in the saloon and creates an uninterrupted open-plan layout from the cockpit seating through to the dining table and interior L-shaped seating around the table, which faces aft so everyone is facing each other and part of the party. The galley placement makes it easy to serve guests, both inside and outside.
The overnight aspects are taken care of with a forward main double cabin and a second guest or children’s cabin with two singles under the helm. There is full standing headroom for getting dressed within the cabin confines at the foot of the berths in both cabins. The master cabin has a wealth of stowage and room for personal items each side of the raised berth. By carrying the beam above the waterline well forward there is a platform for a full double, not a tapered one.
The guest cabin is as light as the main cabin thanks window’s introduced on the side of the hull. There is a shared access to the shower and heads compartment at the foot of the companionway, but no direct access from the main cabin. Instead, the shower cubicle has been given its own privacy, so that two people can use the facilities at the same time, the heads and basin being separate, outside the shower.
A generous sunbathing area is provided on the extensive foredeck, with a wide, flat area thanks to that increased forward beam on deck. Deck cushions can be raised into a reclined position for reading, which makes them even more desirable and versatile. While those wanting to take to the water can do so via the expansive swim platform close to the waterline with its built-in ladder. The flybridge seating is as versatile as that below, with a forward-facing stretch lounger next to the helm created by using an infill. Access to the flybridge is via a wide, teak-stepped ladder with good handrails that make it easy to ascend or descend, even at sea.
The main helm is well laid out with a double, fixed seat with a folding edge to allow a higher seating position.. It is the bench-style helm seating that provides the headroom for the guest cabin .The immediate access to the side deck from the wheel through the sliding side door is a useful feature. Also having bow and stern thrusters makes docking much easier .
“ Born to Run “ offers the growing family separate cabins with good space in both, roomy socializing areas and catering facilities to create a home from home. With the excellent fuel range .
Views: 4
Flag, Duty & Tax
- Flag (registration): -United-States
- Luxury Tax Non applicable si retour au Canada - Does not apply
Motor Description
- Number of engine: 2
- Drive type: Arbre d'Hélice (Shaft)
- Modèle moteur: D4-300
- Type of fuel: Diesel
- Nombre heures moteurs: 770
- Lenght: 37 ft
- L.O.A: 37.5 ft
- Width: 12.7 ft
- Weight: 18234 lbs
- Draft: 2.9 ft
Tank details
- Fuel tank: 212 gal
- Drinking water tank: 87 gal
- Holding Tank 23 gal
- Number of rooms 2
- Number of double bed 1
- Nb. de lit simple: 2
- Number of toilets 1
- 30 amp. System
- Power Supply Connected to the Dock
- Dock cable
- Automatic Cable Reel
- Generator
- Inverter
- Number of generator hours: 1400
- Generator (kw) 7.5 kw
Boat canvas
- Covers to Protect Cushions
- Bimini top
Navigation electronics
- Autopilot
- GPS: Raymarine
- Radar: Raymarine
- Thruster: Thruster Arrière , Thruster Avant
Important feature(s)
- Electric anchor
- Navigation Lights
- Depth Indicator
- Inverter
- Lumières sous l`eau
- Bilge Pump
- Bimini top
- Fan Pre-start
Comfort option(s)
- Radio/CD/IPOD
- Marine Toilet
- A/C present in area: Interior section
Entertainment electronics
- Radio (Cabin Area)
- Radio (Cockpit Area)
- TV + DVD in 1st Bedroom
- TV + DVD in 2nd Bedroom
- TV + DVD in Living Room/Kitchen
Important feature(s)
- Hull type: Fiberglass
- Hull color: Blanc/White
- Country: -United-States
- Provinces/States: Massachusetts
- City: Danvers
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