– 2 x Mercury 300 hp avec joystick
– Wetbar avec un grill et réfrigérateur
– Inverter avec batteries aux lithium
– Chambre pour coucher 2 personnes
– Cabine toilette complète
– Grand toit rigide
The Aquila 32 Power Cat has all the needs and wants for weekends on the water! “Afternoon Delight” is a fine example as this vessel has been professionally maintained and ready for the family!
Beach it, sandbars, fishing, you can do it all! You get it all – the most versatile seating together with a full private head and a climate-controlled sleeping cabin, this vessel is ready for weekend getaways, or family fun day! You simply cannot find a more versatile boat than the Aquila 32.
This is a premier listing – meaning it has been captain inspected with a 50-point checklist completed. Seriously for sale, offers encouraged!
Equipment List:
Raymarine flat panel Multi-Function display 12″ hybrid touch
Raymarine dome radar
Raymarine VHF
Ritchie flush-mount Compass
Fusion Stereo
Mercury Marine Joystick control
Lenco electric trim tabs with digital indicator
Stainless push button controls with illuminating indicators
Carpet – lay in all weather teak-look
Refrigerator – Isotherm stainless steel
Walk-through windshield
30 amp shore cord with battery charger
Lithium Ion battery system and invertor
Drink Holders
Cockpit table
Anchor windlass with stainless anchor and bow roller
Porcelain Marine toilet
Hardtop with dual opening hatches and stainless and arch supports
Roomy and spacious cockpit and swim platform
Twin Mercury 300s
Wet bar with grill, solid-surface counter, and cockpit refrigerator
USCG safety gear included Lots of life jackets and other gear Recent buff and wax
Views: 8
Pavillon, Droits et Taxes
- Drapeaux (Immatriculation): -États-Unis
- Taxe de luxe: Non applicable si retour au Canada - Does not apply
Description Moteur
- Nombre de moteur: 2
- Type de propulsion: Hors-bord
- Modèle moteur: 2 x 300 hp
- Type de Carburant: Gaz
- Longueur: 32 ft
- L.O.A: 32.4 ft
- Largeur: 12.8 ft
- Poids: 10400 lbs
- Tirant d'eau: 2.1 ft
- Réservoir Carburant: 280 gal
- Réservoir eau potable: 29 gal
- Réservoir eau noire: 21 gal
- Nombre de chambres: 1
- Nb. de lit double: 1
- Nombre de toilettes: 1
- Inverter
Wetbar, zone cockpit
- Évier
- Grill
- Réfrigérateur
- Toile Rapide
Caractéristique(s) importante(s)
- Ancre électrique
- Feux de Navigation
- Indicateur de Profondeur
- Inverseur (inverter)
- Pompe de Cale
- Table de Cockpit
Option(s) Confort
- Plateforme Baignade Allongé
- Radio/CD/IPOD
- Toilette électrique
Électronique de divertissement
- Radio (Zone Cockpit)
Informations Additionnelles
- Type de coque: Fibre de Verre
- Couleur de la coque: Blanc/White
- Pays: -États-Unis
- Provinces/États: Floride
- Ville: Sandestin
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- Mariah
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- Maxum
- MB Sports
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- Nautica Rib.
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- Nautor Swan
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- Non
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- Symbol
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