– 2 x VERADO 400 hp
– Joystick + Skyhook
– Wetbar avec un grill et une plaque chauffante également
– A/C + génératrice
– 2 chambres + 2 toilettes avec douche
– Sous garantie jusqu’au 29 jan 2026
Hors de l’eau après chaque balade.
Cruiser version.
Enjoy maximum comfort and control with the new cruiser package option. Featuring an aft 3-panel tempered glass sliding door which can be locked into place, the cruiser package option allows you the ability to close off the entire salon and galley for increased privacy, security, and relaxation.
In addition to the improved climate control and aesthetics, the Aquila 36 Sport cruiser option offers accent wood in the salon, and Infinity carpet throughout the salon and galley. The already stellar Aquila 36 Sport now provides more luxury than ever before.
Step into Luxury:
Experience the pinnacle of luxury boating with the 2023 Aquila 36 CRUISER. Sleek, stylish, and designed for the discerning individual, this vessel redefines elegance on the water.
Performance Redefined:
Powered by twin Mercury 400 engines providing a total of 800hp, this boat is not just about looks; it ensures exhilarating performance on every journey. Sail effortlessly through the waves with power and precision.
Crafted for Excellence:
Impeccable craftsmanship is evident in every detail of the Aquila 36 CRUISER. From the luxurious interiors to the cutting-edge technology, every aspect exudes sophistication and class.
Warranty & Location:
Rest assured with the warranty coverage until January 29, 2026, and seize the opportunity to command the waters of Miami, FL with unparalleled style and grace.
Views: 3
Pavillon, Droits et Taxes
- Drapeaux (Immatriculation): -États-Unis
- Taxe de luxe: À valider à partir de la date de mise en service - Must be verify
Description Moteur
- Nombre de moteur: 2
- Type de propulsion: Hors-bord
- Modèle moteur: 2 x VERADO V10-400
- Type de Carburant: Gaz
- Longueur: 36 ft
- Largeur: 14.7 ft
- Poids: 13000 lbs
- Tirant d'eau: 2.6 ft
- Réservoir Carburant: 330 gal
- Réservoir eau potable: 200 gal
- Réservoir eau noire: 21 gal
- Nombre de chambres: 2
- Nb. de lit double: 2
- Nombre de toilettes: 2
- 30 amp. Système
- Alimentation Relié au Quai
- Cable du Quai
- Génératrice
- Génératrice (kw): 5 kw
Wetbar, zone cockpit
- Évier
- Grill
- Réfrigérateur
- Toiles pour Protégés les Coussins
Électronique de navigation
- Autopilot
- Skyhook
- GPS: Raymarine
- Radar: Raymarine
- Joystick: Joystick (hors bord)
Caractéristique(s) importante(s)
- Feux de Navigation
- Indicateur de Profondeur
- Pompe de Cale
- Table de Cockpit
Option(s) Confort
- Radio/CD/IPOD
- Toilette électrique
- A/C présente dans la zone: Section Cockpit , Section Intérieure
Électronique de divertissement
- Radio (Zone Cockpit)
Informations Additionnelles
- Type de coque: Fibre de Verre
- Couleur de la coque: Blanc/White
- Pays: -États-Unis
- Provinces/États: Floride
- Ville: MIAMI
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- Houseboat (home made)
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- Hugues
- Hunt Yachts
- Hunter
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- Kirie
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- Manta
- Mariah
- Marine Cat
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- Maritimo
- Marlin
- Marlow
- Marlow-Hunter
- Marquis
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- Maxum
- MB Sports
- Mercury
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- Monk
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- Monterey
- Moody
- Moomba
- Nautica Rib.
- Nautique
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- Nautor Swan
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- Non
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- Symbol
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